Student Counseling Policy

Policy Number: 
3/14, 7/18, 8/18, 9/2022
3/12, 4/14, 7/13/16, 8/6/18, 9/20/2022 BOT approved

In accordance with MTSA’s mission and core values, MTSA believes students should strive to achieve a healthy & balanced life. MTSA also believes that at times counseling may be needed to help students readjust to the stressful environment and changing lives of graduate school. MTSA has established a plan of action to assist students maintain this balance.

Should the need arise for counseling services for students, MTSA will provide referral to a counseling service and will fund the initial three (3) assessment/counseling sessions. The Executive Vice President maintains a list of current approved providers for counseling. Students can be referred for counseling by Administration, Faculty, Mentor, or student’s self- referral to the Executive Vice President.

MTSA offers counseling for financial issues, referral can be made through the Director of Financial Aid.