Academic Standards

See Student Grading Policy

Advancement of each student to the next higher level of anesthesia training and responsibility is made at semesterly intervals by recommendations from the Program Administrator to the Progressions Committee. In order to receive an unencumbered recommendation for academic progression, the student must meet the following conditions:

  • MTSA expects that all graduate level coursework should result in a minimum earned final course grade of “B” (See: Grading Policy). The first earned final course grade between 70-79% (C) will require a scheduled meeting with the Program Administrator to discuss the student’s performance. The first final course grade of “C” will also lead to automatic academic probation and an invitation for an appearance before the Progressions Committee. The second earned final course grade of “C” will result in dismissal from the program. Academic course grades will carry over to the subsequent years for purposes of determining penalties based on course grades and progression.
  • MTSA requires students to maintain a minimum overall academic cumulative GPA of 3.0 for both graduation and good academic standing. A student who falls below an academic cumulative GPA of 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. The student will have one (1) semester to improve the academic cumulative GPA to 3.0 or greater to be removed from probation. If the student fails to improve his or her GPA to 3.0 or greater during the following semester, they will be dismissed from the program.
  • Students will automatically be dismissed from the program for receiving a final failing course grade in any course. Failing is defined as any grade below 70%.
    • For more information regarding failure of Academic Standards (see Student Progressions & Disciplinary Actions).
  • Students who are placed on any type of probation greater than two (2) time periods will be dismissed from the program. (If there is an active vote to continue student on probation from one period to a second period, that action will count as another probation occurrence).
  • Students have the right to appeal decisions of the Progressions Committee by following the MTSA appeal process.
  • Each student is carefully evaluated for academic achievement and clinical performance on a regular and continuing basis. Academic grades are published each semester. Clinical practicum evaluations are received from each affiliation, reflected on the official transcripts as letter grades, and used in tabulating the final grade point average. Clinical grades will be delayed approximately two months or longer behind the semester’s end. Students shall be advised semesterly by a CRNA faculty member concerning their academic and clinical progress each semester.
  • Every effort is made to adhere to class and clinical schedules. Class hours, course sequencing, clinical seminars, and clinical practicum hours have been estimated carefully, but are dependent on day-to-day situations at each affiliation, and should, therefore, be recognized as estimates that are subject to alteration to meet daily situations. Many classes are taught by instructors who hold CRNA/MD positions in other facilities. When obligations in these facilities, such as “call,” prohibit the instructor from meeting class on a particular day, the class will be rescheduled. This rescheduling will be done as far in advance as possible. All subject matter may change to benefit the student and/or MTSA. Students scheduled for class and not for clinical will be expected to adjust to changes in academic scheduling.