Acceptance Process

The Screening Committee will determine which applicants will be accepted and MTSA will call and send acceptance letters to those selected for admission. Each selected applicant will be given a 1 (one) week period in which to respond and the deadline will be stated in the invitation. If an applicant chooses to accept the offered position in the upcoming class, they must submit the Non-Refundable Deposit to MTSA with the acceptance response letter by the stated deadline. After the stated deadline, if the Non-Refundable Deposit has not been received at MTSA, the applicant will forfeit the offered position in the upcoming class, and MTSA may then offer the vacant position to an alternate applicant.

After accepting a position in the upcoming class, if an accepted applicant changes his mind and decides at a later date to decline acceptance into the program at MTSA for any reason, the Non-Refundable Deposit will not be refunded.

Practice Doctorate


Non-Refundable Deposit
