Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Federal Aid

Policy Number: 
2018, 5/11/2021
5/11/2021 (Policy approved by NAPC in 2018 and revised in May 2021, but not assigned a policy number), 10/21, BOT Approved 11/21

Federal financial aid regulations require that recipients of federal aid maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward the completion of their degree. All students’ academic standing is evaluated by the MTSA Progressions Committee. SAP standards are separate from academic policies and are defined by the Financial Aid Office to remain eligible for federal Title IV aid. Those students receiving Title IV aid, whether full time or half-time and regardless of their enrollment status or program, will have their SAP evaluated at the end of each academic year consistent with the below standards. Students not meeting the required progression will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. This policy applies only to the eligibility for students to receive federal Title IV aid.

MTSA Progressions Committee evaluates students’ academic progress after each semester, decisions are made, and notices are sent to the Financial Aid Office for the following reasons:

  1. Activation of academic student probation,
  2. Removal from academic probation,
  3. Decision to suspend or terminate student,

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

At the official annual evaluation period, students receiving federal Title IV assistance must meet all three components of the SAP policy listed below:

  • Qualitative Requirement - Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0, published for the DNAP program.
  • Quantitative Requirement or Pace - Pace is calculated by dividing the total cumulative earned hours by the total cumulative attempted hours, including any repeated hours. Students must complete two-thirds or 67% of the total attempted hours for the academic year. Withdrawals, grades below a B, and incomplete grades are included in attempted hours.
  • Maximum Completion Timeframe - Maximum timeframe is defined by the length of each academic program. Programs at MTSA have scheduled academic coursework which must be successfully completed. Any accepted transfer hours for the DNAP Completion program will be included in the maximum time frame evaluation. Students cannot receive federal aid after attempting the hours required for the completion of their academic program.

Repeated coursework

Each time a course is taken counts as an attempt. Only when a passing grade is received is it counted as a completion. Students may only receive federal aid funding for one repetition of a previously passed course. Any retaken class(es) may count against a student’s satisfactory academic progress.

Financial Aid Suspension

Any student not meeting the required number of credit hours or falling below the cumulative grade point average at the end of their academic year will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. All future federal aid will be cancelled. The student will be notified by the Financial Aid Office of their suspension status. The student will remain on this status until they come into compliance with the SAP policy or until they have appealed with a favorable decision.

Financial Aid Appeal

Students on Financial Aid Suspension may appeal one time for reinstatement of federal Title IV aid with the Financial Aid Office. The appeal for reinstatement should include the following elements:

  • An explanation of extenuating circumstances, such as injury, illness, death of a relative or other special circumstance as to why you failed to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements,
  • An explanation of what has changed that will now allow you to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress at the end of the subsequent semester,
  • Include supporting documentation from medical doctors, advisor, Program Administrator, psychologist, etc., to verify the information you are including in your personal statement. Failure to provide information may result in your appeal being denied.

If the student does not meet the terms of the Financial Aid Committee decision, then the student will remain on Financial Aid Suspension and will not be eligible for federal Title IV aid

Financial Aid Probation

If the student's appeal is granted, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and be eligible for federal aid during their probationary period (one payment period). The student must meet SAP at the end of the probationary period to continue to be eligible for federal Title IV aid. If it is determined, based on the appeal, that the student will require more than one payment period to meet progress standards, then the student will be placed on an academic plan, developed with the Program Administrator. If the student meets the requirements of the plan, the student is eligible to receive Title IV aid.

Admission to MTSA or maintaining good academic standing, as defined by the academic program, does not necessarily constitute maintaining satisfactory academic progress for federal aid purposes.

Reinstatement of Aid

Students whose federal Title IV aid is suspended may have aid eligibility reinstated once SAP standards are met. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Financial Aid Office for a reevaluation of the SAP for federal Title IV eligibility.


Students will be notified in writing of results of any evaluation that affects their eligibility for federal funding.