Any student/Fellow who wishes to withdraw from MTSA must notify their Program Administrator in writing of this action. Any withdrawal without a prior meeting with the Program Administrator may be considered permanent.
Refund Policy
MTSA will permit any student/Fellow to cancel their enrollment agreement within 5 MTSA business days of the enrollment day. A student/Fellow beginning enrollment on a Monday has until 6:00 pm the following Monday to cancel their first tuition payment with a 100% refund minus the deposit submitted to hold the student/Fellow position in class. Should a cancellation occur MTSA will refund 100% of the first tuition payment that was made by the student/Fellow, minus the deposit submitted to hold the student/Fellow position in class. Students/Fellows who have been given a medical withdrawal are assessed and adjusted no differently than other withdrawals.
Pro Rata Refund
Students/Fellows who withdraw or are terminated after the first 5 MTSA business days of their first semester and have completed 60% or less of the period of attendance (semester), the student/Fellow is entitled to a partial prorated refund. MTSA will calculate whether a tuition refund is due, and if so, remit a refund within 45 days following the students/Fellows withdrawal or termination. For students receiving funds through the Federal Student Aid program, unearned funds will be returned to the aid programs in the order required under Federal Law. For students/Fellows receiving funds through a non-federal loan, the VA, or sponsor, unearned funds will be returned to the lender or agency. Any remaining balance will be paid to the student/Fellow. The pro rata percentage is based on days of attendance within the period of attendance. Students/Fellows who stop attending all classes but do not complete the official withdrawal process could owe a repayment of Title IV funds. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid (615-732-7884) for more information.
Determination of the Withdrawal Date
The student’s/Fellow’s "official" withdrawal date is the date the student signs the completed withdrawal form. If the institutional leave of absence is not considered an official leave of absence for Title IV purposes, the withdrawal date for a student/Fellow who takes an institutional leave of absence is the last date of attendance prior to the leave.
MTSA Internal Withdrawal Procedures:
1. Notify in writing the Program Administrator*, who will, in turn, notify the Executive Vice President and Registrar, of your intent to withdraw.
- DNAP PD: Richie Flowers (
- DNAP-C & NAEP: Contact Hallie Evans (
- ASPMF & Regional Foundations Course: Contact Christian Falyar (
- *Advanced Physiologic Foundations Course: Contact Brett Clay (
2. Schedule an appointment with the Executive Vice President if requested.
3. The Registrar sends the student the withdrawal form to complete and sign electronically.
4. After the student signs, the completed form is sent to the Program Director* for signature.
5. The withdrawal process will be initiated upon receipt of the completed withdrawal form.
Student receiving Veterans Benefits Withdrawal Procedure:
- Complete withdrawal procedure as noted above.
- Contact the Office of Financial Aid for information regarding your veterans' benefits.
- It is VA’s policy, if you withdraw from your program at MTSA, Veterans Affairs (VA) must reduce or stop your benefits. You may have to repay all benefits for the program unless you can show that the change was due to mitigating circumstances.*
"Mitigating circumstances" are unavoidable and unexpected events that directly interfere with your pursuit of a course and are beyond your control. Examples of reasons VA may accept are extended illness and unscheduled changes in your employment. Examples of reasons VA may not accept are withdrawal to avoid a failing grade or dislike of the instructor. VA may ask you to furnish evidence to support your reason for a change. If a serious injury or illness caused the change, obtain a statement from your doctor. If a change in employment caused the change, obtain a statement from your employer.
For more information about VA policies, please contact 1-888-GIBILL1 (1-888-442-4551)